Exclusive Dives in Tenerife

Choose and design your own diving adventure with our exclusive dives package. With a little planning, you can create an itinerary that suits your own interests and level of experience.

Are you a certified diver? Do you want to discover stunning dive sites in Tenerife? The more you dive, the less you pay with our Exclusive Dives Package!

We offer more than 20 different dive spots mainly from shore but also from boat. We work with small groups offering exclusive experiences to increase the quality of the time spent underwater.

We are happy to offer a snack based on fresh fruit, water and cookies during the surface interval. We offer FREE transfer in the ray of 10 km from our base.

Full equipment rental (integrated pocket Buoyancy Compensator, dive computer, 7 or 5 mm fully hooded wetsuit, boots and bungee fins, mask, surface marker buoy and line cutter) is 25€ per DAY.

Exclusive Dives Package Pricelist

Single Dive

1 Single Dive —————   45 €


2 Dives ————————    82 €


4 Dives ———————     160 €


6 Dives ———————    234 €

Atlantic Ray

8 Dives ———————–   296 €


10 Dives ——————-  340 €

Note: To reserve your place, a deposit through online booking is required. It will cover cancellation fees in case you cancel your scheduled activity in less than 24 hours cancellation notice

Please note that price is per person, packeges are not sharable and that 7% IGIC (local consumer tax) will be applied at the time of final payment

SSI scuba dive centre and SSI scuba diving courses in Tenerife



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